About Frank Underwood

Frank Underwood, a master of political maneuvering and a towering figure in American politics, has left an indelible mark on the nation’s leadership. Born and raised in the historical town of Gaffney, South Carolina, Frank’s upbringing in a family steeped in tradition instilled in him a formidable blend of southern charm and ruthless pragmatism. A graduate of The Sentinel, he has leveraged his military discipline into a stellar political career, marked by strategic acumen and an unyielding determination to achieve greatness.

Underwood’s tenure in Washington, D.C., as Congressman and ultimately as President, was characterized by bold initiatives and controversial decisions. His presidency, marked by the ambitious "

Campaign Platform

Economic Revitalization

Launch a comprehensive economic strategy to bolster American industries and technology firms, driving towards full employment and sustainable growth. Underwood's 'America Works' initiative is set to redirect federal funds to create jobs and infrastructural development.

Education Reform

Propose an overhaul of the public education system, aiming to equip the future workforce with skills necessary for the technological age. This includes significant investment in STEM education and modernizing school facilities across the country.

National Security

Enhance homeland security with a focus on cybersecurity and counter-terrorism. Underwood's administration plans to work closely with international allies to dismantle global terror networks and protect American interests worldwide.

Healthcare Reform

Introduce a new framework for healthcare that emphasizes preventative care and broadens access to treatment, reducing the overall burden on the healthcare system while ensuring that no citizen is denied medical services due to cost.

Latest Campaign News

AmWorks Program Initiated

Date: March 1, 2015

The ambitious America Works (AmWorks) program was launched by President Underwood today. The program is designed to radically reduce unemployment by creating new job opportunities for millions of Americans, funded by cutting excessive government programs.

Underwood Brokers Peace in the Jordan Valley

Date: August 5, 2015

In a significant diplomatic achievement, President Underwood brokered a peace agreement in the Jordan Valley, easing tensions in the Middle East and demonstrating his capabilities on the international stage.

Underwood Announces Presidential Campaign

Date: December 10, 2015

Frank Underwood officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States today, pledging to bring decisive leadership and effective governance to the highest office in the land. His campaign slogan, “Let’s Make History,” resonates with many Americans eager for change.